The first person to identify this object will gets a prize! (Use the comments section.)
Update: Courtney is the winner!!
Yes, it’s a portable vacuum desktop cleaner. It doesn’t work very well, since it runs on AA batteries. There’s just not enough power to suck up anything! (Don’t worry – Courtney, the vacuum is not your prize. A Starbucks card is winging its way to you.)

Electric Scrubber
Looks like a holder for drill bits.
It has something to do with kayaking. Yes I cheated a bit and looked up the brand name. I think it looks like it could be used to wax or clean kayaks.
Both wrong. Thanks for trying, though! Anyone else?
Looks like a dehumidifier, or a space heater, or a motion-detector alarm
Close! No cigar.
Any other try-ers?
a vaccum? one of those that moves around on it's own?
Courtney wins!!
This is not one that moves around on its own, but you're close enough.
oh i missed the contest..:( you should do these more!! i want starbucks 😀
i doubt i would have ever guessed vacuum tho..