Sometimes you must act immediately. You have to drop everything and act before it’s too late.
I was engaged to a woman for a week, prior to my relationship with Heather, that ultimately resulted in marriage. The one-week engagement woman could not say, “Yes!” until it was too late. She took two long months to get off the fence and finally say yes. I gave her a deadline for saying yes, and she couldn’t. On Deadline Day, I said it was over and began dating Heather. Then she was ready to say yes. So I said yes back. For a week.
I was in agony about her reluctance to say yes. In fact, her yes was less than enthusiastic. I asked my parents what to do. They wisely would not advise me, other than to say, “Just listen to yourself.” I did – and I had to call it off.
The window of opportunity for the first woman was lost.
My wonderful wife had absolutely no hesitations when I asked. With a huge smile, she shouted out, “Yes!!”
So don’t hesitate. (I’m very glad that lady hesitated! And I’m glad Heather did not hesitate.)
The photo is a very weak capture of a moment… This is the morning view of the foothills, visible from our front porch. Occasionally, you can see the morning sun‘s reflection in the mirror-covered glass of a distant office building. On a recent morning, there were about ten shiny windows. I had never seen more than one. And it looked like sparkly Christmas lights. Sadly, my camera was not up to the duty of capturing the moment.