My dad died 30 years ago this month.
I miss him.
A few weeks back, I dreamed I was traveling home from somewhere, and my dad picked me up. I told him how great it was to see him.
I don’t put much stock in dreams, but that was a great dream – and a nice thought to wake up with, circling around the corners of my consciousness.
I miss sharing my kids with him. He loved kids, and I know he would have loved mine (as well as the kids of my sisters – and the dogs of my brother).
I am sad he never got to know my wife. She met him very briefly as a brain tumor was taking over his life.
I’m sorry I never got his advice on some of the more adulting things I’ve traveled through over the last 30 years.
If your dad is alive today, give him a hug. Tell him how much you love him.
My dad was about the age I am today in this photograph.