Saturday was such a fabulous day! Not only did Ed send us a package, John and Amy did too!
They know what a collector I am. I fight the urge, but it brings me much joy to collect. And when the collectables take up little space, all the more joy. Thank you, John and Amy!
They live in a beautiful part of Germany, though they are American. Their amazing little town has at least one pastry shop. I can just taste it now… Sigh.
The International Toothpaste Museum is the proud recipient of another tube, and it’s already highlighted.
So why have I published two very similar posts in a row? Well, my aim is not to bore you, dear reader – but rather to highlight shiny bits of life. Both packages were full of shiny bits – and thus the thrill for me. I would guess that at some level, you must enjoy shiny bits of life – or you wouldn’t be reading this. (And thank you for reading!)