We lived in Kenya, Africa for five years.
The most numerous non-African people in Kenya are from South Asia.
(There is some pretty awesome Indian food there – in fact, the best I’ve ever tasted.)
One day I went into a shop run by South Asians and found a poster – “An Ideal Boy.” I bought it instantly because of the reflection of a quirky part of India’s colonial-era past.
And all these years later, I found that poster in our attic.
I’m sharing it with you.
You can see a PDF of “An Ideal Boy” here. Download the file, enjoy it, whatever.
If you want to buy one of the panels, I’m selling them for $5 each, which includes shipping to US addresses. There are 12 panels, and there’s just one of each. I plan to keep one or two for myself (whatever is left). If you’re interested, send me an email at paul at pmerrill dot com, and I’ll be in touch. Send me your address too. We’ll exchange the funds via PayPal or Venmo.
First come, first served. (There’s only one “Salutes parents.”)
Each panel is about 5 1/2″ x 6.”