I looked down at my Apple Watch and saw that the controls were blurred, since the designers decided to highlight the most important thing – time – instead of the many other possibilities it could have displayed.
We wear watches to measure time.
Whether it’s minutes, hours, days, weeks, months or years, we all care about time:
- How much time until our next meeting?
- How much time until the show begins?
- How much time until my prison sentence is finished?
- How much time until our baby is born?
- How much time until our flight leaves?
- How much time until the start of the next semester?
- How much time until our vacation begins?
Some of us measure our stocks. Some of us measure what’s in our bank accounts. Some of us measure how much water or electricity we’re using.
But all of us measure time, by far our most precious resource.
What will you do with your next hour, day, week, month or year?