Tiger Woods made some serious mistakes. During various points in his life, he has been at the top of his game, golf. But lately he has been at the bottom of his other game, life.
I was amused when he started turning up in the “Entertainment” section of Google News, rather than the “Sports” section. I guess when celebrities have problems, that becomes entertainment. (Sometimes it’s nice to not be a celebrity.)
By the way, the magazine clipping at left came from my visit to a doctor’s office. I normally do not read Sports Illustrated, but I picked up that copy just to expand my little world. And it worked.

There are things much more important to tend to than one’s career!
Donald Miller’s new book shares what happened when he realized that in making his living telling stories he had not realized the story of his own life needed some character development and plot tightening.
Yes, true!
There’s that classic scenario of a medical doctor who works his tail off to provide the “good things” for his family – and all they want is time with him.
Tiger’s indiscretions has started many conversations about why people with everything tend to screw it up. Very enlightening to hear what my close friends think about human nature.