So I went on a business trip last week. My itinerary included three airports. The Fort Wayne airport had a museum devoted to airplanes and flying. It was small, but I enjoyed my visit.
My only critical comment was that there was absolutely no focus. As you can tell from these photos, the display ranged from Leonardo da Vinci and Lego fighter jets to a large section on Art Smith, a local pioneer in the realm of flying.
Takeaway: How can you bring focus to what you are doing? (And many may point that finger at me – how can I bring focus to this blog? I have thought about that – but I enjoy being able to cover a wide range of topics. I’m seriously pondering a separate site where I do focus more. This site will most likely remain my sandbox to play in.)

Your blog is a lot more focused than mine. Mine rambles from journaling to poetry to fiction to shiny bits to handyman posts. I guess it depends on what you want to accomplish.
Thanks Tim.
I’m happy with this site being focused on shiny-bits and ephemera.
If I do move into more of a focus, it would be via a separate site. I’m working on what, where & when. You’ll hear about it after I figure all that out.