What kid in 1965 would be caught dead bringing this lunchbox to school? Maybe it was used by a pilot’s son who had no social awareness.
The wear and tear leads me to believe that whoever used it did so more than once. Maybe a pilot used it! But then, what pilot would be caught dead bringing a kids’ lunchbox to work in the morning?
Update: See the comments for some really valid points about this.
Again, from the Fort Wayne Air Museum.

I think my first grade lunchbox (1965-66) was Green Bay Packers, for some reason.
Kids have a different sense of what’s cool. Pilots were held in high esteem (along with truck drivers) when I was little. We probably would have appreciated that lunch box.
I agree with Tim – I think you underestimate the allure of air travel and airplanes at that time.
You both have a point – I remember Heather telling me about how she and her family would always dress up to fly, as it was such a special occasion.
That would have been awesome! I am and always have been an aviation freak.