Strange tool

We found this at a campsite.

Our last hurrah camping trip was this past weekend. (It was far too cold, Heather and I both woke up with aching bodies – but Jay had fun celebrating his seventeenth birthday with some of his buddies in the mountains.)

So what might this be? A dental tool for backpacking oral surgeons?

And as you might have guessed, this went straight into our bin where we collect stuff to give to the charity shop.


5 Replies to “Strange tool”

  1. Hard to tell from the photo, but the bright bit at the end of the tool is a mirror, John.

    Shane, you may be right – though it would take a miracle for anyone “down below” to see any reflection from that tiny mirror. My guess is that it’s one of those things backpacking books say you need – but that “need” is completely untrue.

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