We saved for a long time

French restaurant receiptIt was going to be our great extravagant dinner to end all dinners. The atmosphere was nice. Very French cafe. Very authentic.

We had saved all year long, putting the money toward one great event. (Yes, even the kids made sacrifices.) We decided to have an elegant French dinner. Heather had been inspired by a book written by Julia Child, describing her years in Paris.

Huge disappointment. No baguette and butter as a warm-up. Ben’s entrée was the most expensive – and the worst. (I won’t even describe it.) The dessert was far less tasty than what we had at the pâtisserie just down the street from where we stayed.


Moral of the story? Don’t put all your hopes in one basket. You may be disappointed. And, be sure to read those guide books before you make a commitment.

Don’t worry, I gave them a really bad writeup on Google Places.


8 Replies to “We saved for a long time”

  1. Love it, Paul & Bill!

    It was truly a sad experience – like going to a Swiss chocolate factory and getting a fake chocolate bar.

  2. After being traveling to France myself I don´t understand people being fancy about french restaurants. I was disappointed too. But maybe the really good ones are hidden somewhere….??

  3. Sorry you had a disappointing experience and one that was so expensive. Personally, I don’t get the thrill of French cooking — it just doesn’t do much for me. Now, Asian (Indian or Chinese) … bring it on!!

  4. I had the same experience with food in France…

    For future trips, checkout the guidebook series “Not For Tourists”. I’ve found the Los Angeles (where I’m from) and Atlanta (where my family’s at) books extremely helpful. Also make sure you get a current version.

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