The Help was great.
The movie certainly was not perfect. White ladies were all made out to be demons, except for Eugenia “Skeeter” Phelan and the hurting character, Celia Foote. The African American ladies were painted as almost angels.
True, the situation was appalling. People like Skeeter, Aibileen Clark, Minny Jackson – and Martin Luther King – put their lives on the line to stand up for what was right, and helped culture and society change. Highlighting that courage and strength of character was worth the price of admission alone.
The visual texture was excellent. Pacing was fine. I thought not reading the book was an advantage; the experience of enjoying the story stood on its own. My wife had read the book and still fully enjoyed the film. But she had comparisons of how the film was different than the book, such as how the film was softer in its treatment of characters.
The film challenged my way of thinking about injustice in the world today. Similar conditions of virtual (and real) slavery still abound. What am I doing to change things?
Great review… I haven’t seen it yet, probably will come netflix time (movies are $10+ here in the theatre. Google “Call and response” as a video/outreach program dealing with human trafficking/slavery. The kids did it in Mt. Vernon, WA as a part of their mission trip. Working with migrant kids/workers from xuhaca (sp?), mostly undocumented – doing a vbs and then learning about their plight. What products to buy from whom, and who not to frequent (we’ve been banned from shopping at Old Navy). So, look up “Call and Response”… I think the youth group is trying to bring it to fairbanks.
Excellent idea for putting feet onto the ideas, Dave!
I decided not to see the movie, and stay with having read the book. The movie looks too Oprah-y.
PS – I like your new font!
Surprisingly, it was not too Oprah-ish. There was enough depth that it kept me interested the whole way through.
I had the pleasure of seeing this movie with Lee and Kate C. Having read the book, I was *slightly* disappointed with the slow pace of the movie, but I was happy that it kept the real issue at the center and did not become too chick-flick’ish. I think there was a missed opportunity in not fleshing out the character of Constance’s daughter. In the book, she was a well-educated woman who had risen above her upbringing — it could’ve been a more pivotal scene to have her show up and take those debutantes to school!
Chris T. and Kate and I went to this. I enjoyed it having had “Help” when I was a little kid. I like to think that she loved me. That my mom was a good boss. But made me think twice of my families actions. Humm? Loved for Kate to see this and stimulated some conversations. Chocolate Pie is my families FAVORITE thing I make. But I still have not made since I read the book. hee.