When you put money into a retirement fund, do you check if that fund supports the tobacco industry?
If you buy baby formula, do you check if that company markets their formula aggressively to new mothers in developing countries – at the expense of their children’s health?
It’s hard to be pure in this world. Most decisions end up being the best of the mix we can find. Or we may not examine all the factors that go into a decision.
I’m often too lazy to examine my decisions. And sometimes I know the potential downsides to a decision, but I make it anyway.
My friend Tim Gier, a vegan, makes most of his decisions with a very focused approach. I admire that.
What’s a decision you made that you later regretted?
Hi Paul,
In a complex, confusing and interconnected world, where every decision to do right seems tied up with some other kind of wrong, I appreciate the clarity, brevity and honesty you bring to the equation. Thank you for all you do.
Thank you, Tim, for your example! And thanks for being part of my life.
Hi Paul!
I appreciate your appreciation of Mr. Gier as well as your most intriguing site. Glad you are here among us.
Thanks Barbara!