A few weeks ago, I took a tumble off my bike. The road repair crews had put caution tape between the cones along one of the roads on my way to work – that wasn’t there the week before. I didn’t see the tape until I was too close. I slammed my brakes and went head-over-heels.
A guardian angel lady saw me tumble and quickly pulled over. She crammed my bicycle into the back seat and took me home, in spite of how I was such a bloody mess.
Through a miracle, I was able to get my teeth fixed that morning at a nearby dentist. Through another miracle, my dental insurance covered the vast majority of this unplanned expense.
Good as new!
Not quite. My face was a melange of scars for the next week. The aches and pains still live on – for a little while, at least.
That incident reminded me that nearly anything can happen to us. And that we’re fragile.
People all around us are injured. We may not see their scars. But we should treat them with love and care, just like that guardian angel lady treated me.
We never know if someone in our daily lives is about to break. The stress of life might be more than they can handle.
A little love and care can go a long way toward their healing. And we’ll feel better for having made a difference in their life.

Paul, you are a rock star! Good word!
So sorry this happened to you, Paul! Thank God for that angel lady. Hope you are feeling much better by now!
Thanks Deb! Yes, I’m much better. And I hope that you are doing well!