An espresso machine for everyone?


I had to take issue with my friends over at Starbucks.

You see, I have some friends in Africa who don’t have electricity. And the nearest coffee beans are a day away. (Not a good situation in which they should start drinking espresso.)

Yes, I know – there are espresso pots that can be cooked over an open fire. But when was the last time you saw that done?


Small change


Here’s a way you can help the environment in a small way… say no to a cup insulator sleeve the next time you get coffee-to-go.

You will:
– save that much addition to the landfill
– save the coffee shop the cost of the insulator
– save the transport costs for that insulator sleeve to the shop and to the landfill
– prevent trees from having to be chopped down

You say, “I don’t want to burn my hands!” Well, take a moment at the shop to let the coffee cool. You can’t drink it that hot, anyhow! Use the extra time to pray, to enjoy looking at the people in the line or to read the newspaper.

If everyone would do this, thing of the cumulative difference it would make!

Ironically, this sleeve says, “Do as little as possible.” I would add, “…to the environment.”


Starbucks instant coffee?!



Yes, it’s called “Via”.

Of course I ordered the free sample, and Starbucks will get some free advertising when I blog about what it tastes like.

I think Starbucks is brave for trying such a thing (making an instant). It’s a bit like Ferrari coming out with an economy car.
