(I couldn’t resist that headline. And no, we don’t blog together. I’m the only blogging person in the family.)
Yes, that’s the back of our minivan.
Paul Merrill
What other blogging tool would automatically generate such a message?!
I’ll be at WordCamp Boulder tomorrow. I’ll join hundreds of other faithful WordPress followers to hear testimonies of changed lives. (Well, not really. But it will be interesting to those of us so geekily inclined.)
This one’s for self-hosted WordPress users only. (Apologies to the rest of my readers.)
Ever since I started using WordPress for this blog in February 2009, I have been unable to automatically upgrade my WordPress software. (Manual upgrades worked – but they were a pain.) Then I switched to a real theme by WooThemes. Volia! The upgrade worked ultra-fast and with great perfection!
So if you are facing that problem, just change your theme to a more professionally coded theme.
I have always been frustrated that the “Upgrade Automatically” option doesn’t work as advertised. I have to muck around with a few files, go to my FTP client, etc. This is the second time I have upgraded, so it was much easier. (I was surprised I remembered what to do. The tutorial helped the first time – and I had it open for reference the second.)
Also – plugins – the automatic upgrade works for some and not others. (For example, I was surprised when WP’s own Stats plugin would not upgrade automatically.)
Now I can’t complain too loudly – WordPress is free software, and I like it oh so much more than blogger.
Funny enough, when I asked Matt Mullenweg (Mr. WordPress himself) at WordCamp Denver in February 2009 about this, he kind of looked at me like I was partly insane. Apparently I am the only person in the universe who has ever experienced these problems.
Neophyte note: If you let WordPress host your blog (like yourblog.wordpress.com), then WordPress automatically updates the software for you. My comments here only apply to self-hosted sites.
So yes, I’m trying out this WordPress thing.
I’m still figuring it out, so if everything doesn’t look like it should, you can forgive me.
One thing I don’t like is image placement – the only way for my images to look correct is for me to center them. And that doesn’t look right. (If I put them at the left, where I like them, there is no padding around the image.) But I’ll figure it out soon.
I’m going to Wordcamp Denver. That should help me fix everything.
Google adsense? I might return to that, after the dust settles.