What I learned from a mountain top


What goes up must come down.

It’s kind of a negative approach to this topic – but I think a little dose of healthy realism never hurts. You see, we always raise our expectations high. Often somehow in the back of our heads, we feel like that fun experience we’re looking forward to will last forever. It doesn’t. We all know that – but it’s good to remember that!

By the way, I took this photo on a backpacking weekend with my boys (and some friends) back in 2005. We had a great time. But driving back to suburbia wasn’t as fun as the drive to the trailhead.

Special thanks to Robert, who suggested this topic.


3 Replies to “What I learned from a mountain top”

  1. Alas, so true, Paul. What’s more, it leads us to yet another discovery: you can’t always LIVE up there on the mountaintop, either; no matter how wonderful the thought. Sooner or later, ya gotta come down…

    Tip o’ the hat for the WILF entry!

  2. Most of us do have to come down, but it needn’t be a crash landing. And a few can remain and challenge realism. In any case, great times are worth the candle.

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