Trust Agents by Chris Brogan & Julien Smith.
This is without a doubt the best business book that came out in 2009. It’s readable, interesting and filled with great illustrations. It is laced with application sections, so you can grab things to use in your business or organization.
Chris brings something new to the field of business communications – humility. He proves that you do not require a big ego to get the job done well. He cites many stories about how the best way to further your goals is to help someone else. What a refreshing voice!
Julien adds a lot of stimulating insights to the mix. However, since I don’t know him like I know Chris, it’s harder for me to really sift out exactly the part he had in the book’s creation.
Most books in the business category I read or skim and then sell on Amazon. This one? It stays on my shelf.
What’s the best book you added to your keeper shelf this year?
Primal Leadership by Boyatzis and Goleman is a keeper that I came back to this year. Not a new book, but I supplemented my hard copy with an audio copy. It discusses the very important emotional aspects of what it calls “resonant leadership” – something that people want to follow. Puts into print lots of things you know but supplements them with data – that the leader’s attitude (positive or negative) becomes that of their followers and has a real impact on profitability of companies, as one example.