Over the weekend a package arrived. A friend sent me a Kindle e-Book reader. He gave it to me as a gift.
Amazing. I was and am totally blown away by his kindness!
This was completely undeserved.
Takeaway: What ways can you show kindness to someone this week?

Wow, Paul, that’s great. I’m happy for you. I’m also glad you posted this in time for me to cancel the order on the iPad I was in the process of sending you! 😉
Very cool! I read that a lot of classics are available free for the Kindle.
Very neat — what a nice friend. I’m curious, because I’m considering getting one for my wife for Christmas (would love to get her an iPad but….) and am looking at the 6″ screen WiFi-only — which one did you get? If the 6″, I’m curious how you like reading on it.
I like it a lot!
Not sure if the DRM will allow getting books for it in Kenya.
Mine is a first-gen. The latest gen has better contrast ratio for the words/background, which would make it even easier to read.
Paul, I’ve met you… I’m certain it is COMPLETELY deserved!! =)
Thank you Tom! You are very kind…