Amazing kindness

Over the weekend a package arrived. A friend sent me a Kindle e-Book reader. He gave it to me as a gift.

Amazing. I was and am totally blown away by his kindness!

This was completely undeserved.

Takeaway: What ways can you show kindness to someone this week?


6 Replies to “Amazing kindness”

  1. Wow, Paul, that’s great. I’m happy for you. I’m also glad you posted this in time for me to cancel the order on the iPad I was in the process of sending you! 😉

  2. Very neat — what a nice friend. I’m curious, because I’m considering getting one for my wife for Christmas (would love to get her an iPad but….) and am looking at the 6″ screen WiFi-only — which one did you get? If the 6″, I’m curious how you like reading on it.

    1. I like it a lot!

      Not sure if the DRM will allow getting books for it in Kenya.

      Mine is a first-gen. The latest gen has better contrast ratio for the words/background, which would make it even easier to read.

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