Our minivan was in the shop for a few weeks. Someone (ahem, not me) did some damage to the body that took a while to repair. We have fantastic car insurance, so our insurance company paid for a rental car for the whole time.
The rental car was a Dodge Avenger – a “mid-sized” American sedan – pretty generic. The quality was not bad. There were a few details that didn’t quite measure up. One was the ensemble of gauges. (If you click on the image, you can see more detail.) Sitting straight-ahead, the left edge of the tachometer was not visible. And the typeface for the speedometer was a really poor choice.
A very fun aspect to the rental car experience was the surprise that awaited me when I loaded up a CD… there was already a CD in the player. So I pushed it back in. Cheezy, syrupy Chinese pop music filled the car.
Just before returning the car, I faced a dilemma. I had forgotten to take a photo of the CD to share with you. So would I leave the CD in there as a surprise for the next renter who would try to listen to a CD? Or should I bring it home so I could take a photo? Alas, passing on the blessing to the next renter went by the wayside. So I’m passing on the blessing to you (minus the audio portion).

Awesome story. Classic Shiny Bits. (Are comments like this OK?)
We have a Chinese foreign exchange student living with us. Maybe she would like the CD! Though usually she listens to classical Korean music. Who would have thought?