How do you stay healthy?

BicyclingThat’s a question. I’d love to hear what you do to stay healthy. Please leave a comment at the end of this post. Why? Your healthy activities and interests might inspire me and other readers in new and interesting directions.

Here’s what I do:

Ride my bike. I try to ride it places instead of driving. This takes some planning. And it’s rarely possible with the whole family. (Those rides are usually for leisure.)

Exercise my arms and shoulders. Last October, I pinched a nerve in my neck. A great physical therapist gave me a set of several exercises that have kept that pain away. I do this 3 to 5 mornings a week, using a very simple stretch device.

Eat dinner with my whole family. With two teenage sons and a ten-year-old daughter, this is not easy, but we do manage to share our evening mealtime about five days a week. This allows us to stay closer and keep up with what we are all doing.

Read the Bible. This keeps me focused on what’s important. (If you’d like to explore this one, start with the book of Mark or Luke.)


8 Replies to “How do you stay healthy?”

  1. Oh yeah, eating at home is the best. I have a friend who is doing post-doc work in molecular toxicology at a lovely Ivy League University has really taught me the heath-value of preparing meals at home. Sadly there is no way to know the actual content of processed foods in restaurants. Over processed food is bad!
    So controlling the quality of food must be managed by us.

  2. When I first read the question my mind immediately went to excercise and food choices but I’m glad you expanded the notion of healthy for me. When I think about it, the thing that makes me feel most healthy right now are lots of fun dates with my husband. Ones where we get to play and laugh. The other would be walks while praying with Brent. After a long and difficult season is feels like he and I are able to enjoy life again… it feels glorious.

    1. So glad you’re feeling healthy now, Courtney!

      Relationships are a huge key to both physical and mental health, for sure.

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