As the holiday season descends upon us, it’s easy to get into the spending mode when you see something you like. Here’s a little idea to stave off your purchasing hunger. It worked for me, and maybe it will work for you.
When you see something cool, just take a photo of it with your phone. Then you can savor the coolness later without having to spend anything. Chances are, the thrill of that purchase would quickly disappear anyway.
Further notes: 1) I do like these shoes, but I don’t need any more. And $135 is a little too pricey for these. 2) Yes, you should be thinking about others when you are doing your holiday shopping.

For myself, I find if I see something I think I want, it’s best to leave the store, telling myself I’ll go think about it. Most of the time, I get to thinking about something else and forget about whatever it was I wanted. Saves money! And if it sticks with me to the point where I decide I really do want to buy it, then I have extra time to work it into the budget.
That’s a great way to approach a purchase, Deb!