There’s a lot to get upset about these days. If you’re an American, the massive ego and questionable ethics of various presidential candidates is quite disturbing. But I’ve given up on saying anything about them on Facebook, Twitter or this blog. It’s just not worth the time or frustration.
Even face-to-face discussions can be frustrating. I make assumptions that my conversational partner will interpret the solution to a problem the same way I do. That’s not always true. And reaching a place of difference is rarely fun.
But small change can happen.
A good friend said, “Small change is a thing to be celebrated!” He has a very challenging relationship that’s incredibly complex and difficult. He celebrates when he sees a very small change.
I occasionally tackle little issues with my little blog, like the value of recycling, bringing your own cup or being part of a community. Maybe no one changes their attitudes or actions as a result of such posts. Or maybe, just maybe, one person will do something different.

I’m done talking about the buffoon as well. (I just decided that in the last day or so, coincidentally!) Apparently the main press outlets are also trying not to give him the free PR he seeks and benefits from, as his latest outrage has gotten more limited coverage.
Glad you agree, Bill. And I even refuse to mention his name.
Small changes do sometimes come from things we say, even offhand things. Like the movie “It’s A Wonderful Life” says, we seldom realize how many people we touch and influence. Quite some time back, you posted about using the manual doors instead of the automatic doors when you go to a store. I often think of that when I’m visiting my local Target. They have both manual and auto, but they are right next to each other and many times I have to pass the auto sensor to get to the manual, so the door opens anyway. But your post made me think, and that’s what we really want, isn’t it?
Thanks for your comment, Deb – and for the encouragement!
It’s good to remember that even small changes can be good changes.